EVENT May 15
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Workshop on Blended LEarning for SuStainable EDucation (BLESSED 2024) (XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (IConMaSTEd 2024))

Organization: Lviv Polytechnic National University
Event: XVI International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (IConMaSTEd 2024)
Categories: Pedagogy, Science
Event Date: 2024-05-15 to 2024-05-15 Abstract Due: 2023-12-12

BLESSED is the first peer-reviewed workshop co-located with ICon-MaSTEd focusing on theory and practice of blended learning in education.
The workshop is dedicated to various issues of using blended learning in education, such as theoretical aspects (history, conceptual foundations, models and approaches), technical aspects (use of learning management systems, institutional learning with MOOCs, use of software tools for assessing learning achievements, organization of webinars/video conferences, use of mixed reality to create an immersive learning environment, use of simulators, virtual manipulators, and artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency and staffing of the educational process, online platforms to support collaboration and interaction between students and teachers), pedagogical aspects (didactic principles, methods and techniques of blended learning, organization of independent work, efficiency and effectiveness of learning) and practical experience of using blended learning.

Topics of interest
BLESSED topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
– Theoretical aspects of blended learning;
– Technical aspects of blended learning;
– Pedagogical aspects of blended learning;
– Practical experience of using blended learning.

Statement on Venue
During the war in Ukraine, the Main Conference and Satellite Workshops will be in hybrid mode (both in-person and online).



Iryna Mintii