EVENT Jun 25
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(Inter)Disciplinary Bodies ((Inter)Disciplinary Bodies)

Brunel University London, UB8 3PH
Organization: Brunel University london
Event: (Inter)Disciplinary Bodies
Categories: Digital Humanities, Interdisciplinary, Popular Culture, Gender & Sexuality, Women's Studies, Aesthetics, Anthropology/Sociology, Classical Studies, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, Film, TV, & Media, Food Studies, History, Philosophy, Science
Event Date: 2024-06-25 to 2024-06-27 Abstract Due: 2024-02-29

(Inter)Disciplinary Bodies

Call for Papers - Deadline 29 February 2024

(Inter)Disciplinary Bodies
International Conference, at Brunel University London, 25 to 27 June 2024
Call for Papers - deadline Thursday 29 February 2024

Bodies refers to humans, non-humans, knowledges, knowledge systems, and communities. 

This interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary conference is about the liberatory and resistive capacities that bodies have as well as the constraints they are under. It is about the ways that bodies live and transform, and indeed about how they die. It is about bodies in all states of pleasure and pain; about which bodies belong and which are excluded (on what and whose terms), and about bodies both collective and individual.

We will be asking: 
Why are some bodies valued while others are seen as disposable?
Which bodies, when and where, matter?
How are bodies experienced?
How does power manifest in and through bodies?

We seek papers, panels, screenings, workshops, performances, exhibitions,demonstrations, 

interventions, etc. that will spotlight new ways of thinking about why and how bodies matter. We strongly encourage contributions that are activist, creative, community and/or academic. We will welcome participants who are keen to work with each other in planned or spontaneous ways.

We welcome submissions from Social Sciences, STEM, Arts, and Humanities as well as interdisciplinary fields such as the Medical Humanities, Systems Theory, Critical Race Studies, Caste Studies, Gender Studies, Feminist Studies, Migration Studies, Postcolonial and Anti Colonial Studies, Global and Area Studies, Cognitive Science, Agroecology, Plant Humanities, and more. 

Single-focus as well as interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methods and approaches are encouraged.

For more information, see:

Contact us: bodies@brunel.ac.uk


