Queer Cripping, Art, and Resistance (Universities Art Association of Canada [UAAC])
London, ON, Canada
Organization: University of Western Ontario
Event: Universities Art Association of Canada [UAAC]
“Disability is properly speaking an aesthetic value, which is to say, it participates in a system of knowledge that provides materials for and increases critical consciousness about the way that some bodies make other bodies feel” (Tobin Siebers, Disability Aesthetics, 2010, 20).
Queerness and disability have long intersected, from the medicalization of queerness, institutionalization, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic to contemporary address, such as the ongoing suppression of Trans* healthcare rights. Queer/crip refusals of closure offer radical alternatives to assimilationist or reformist politics, reflected in alternative modes of making and exhibition. We invite artists, researchers, and curators to share works, from contemporary and historical perspectives, exploring art objects, practices, and/or institutions that produce, perform, and/or promote radical queer/crip art and methodologies.
Topics can include:
Queer(ing)/Crip(ping) spaces + times/futurities
Art + curatorial transgressions, activism, barriers
Orientations or affects
De/colonizing the body
Historical + contemporary queer/crip aesthetics
Queer/Crip Ecologies
Wreckage, refuse, debris, parts
Keywords: disability, queer, cripping, activism, aesthetics
Email Iraboty Kazi [ikazi3@uwo.ca] and Ana Moyer [amoyer9@uwo.ca] the submission form [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ou2Mziy4OEBJLF-5TOVY0evlxEEWVkvzuzy3kFK2tmM/edit] OR a proposal with:
Your Email
Your Name | Nom
Biography | Biographie - 150 words maximum | maximum 150 mots
Title of your Proposal | Titre de votre communication
Description - 250 words maximum | maximum 250 mots
Keywords | Mots clés - Please include up to 5 keywords to accompany your description. | Veuillez inclure jusqu’à 5 mots clés pour accompagner votre description.
SOCIAL MEDIA HANDLES- Insta / twitter / facebook [optional]
Iraboty Kazi