Pornographic Adaptations and Translations (PAMLA Annual Conference)
Palm Springs, California
Organization: Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association
Event: PAMLA Annual Conference
This session of the PAMLA Annual Conference examines histories, questions, and problems of translation and adaptation relevant to pornographic media, including but not necessarily limited to film and video, writing, and performance. Topics may include pornographic adaptations of mainstream texts as well as mainstream adaptations of pornographic texts, the ethics and politics of translating pornography, the significance of genre for fantasy, networked pornographic media as contact zone, the meaning and function of linguistic difference and difficulty within pornographic texts, and the politics of language difference in porn work. As that very partial list suggests, this panel will showcase scholarship featuring a variety of methods and theoretical frameworks. Short, concise papers will leave plenty of time for questions and discussion.
For more information, please see the full CFP by searching the PAMLA database using the above link for "Pornographic Adaptations and Translations" or session #: 19067.
Steven Ruszczycky