EVENT Aug 01
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Seeking Regular or Solitary Cinematic Reviews and Essays

Organization: Anaphora Literary Press: Cinematic Codes Review
Categories: Digital Humanities, Popular Culture, Film, TV, & Media, Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2024-08-01 Abstract Due: 2024-08-01

The Cinematic Codes Review is seeking reviewers to submit regular tri-annual sets of or single-item reviews of any time of visual content that is of individual interest. Ideas can range from standard reviews with screen shots of recent releases, as well as scholarly reviews of classics. You can review fine art gallery shows, theatrical dramas, or minor films shown at festivals. Reviews can be short (a few hundred words) or very long essays (up to 8,000 words). You can submit a single review, or commit to submitting regular reviews three times per year. The deadlines for the issues are: August 1, December 1, and May 1. Work that arrives after the deadline will be considered for the next issue. Work published in CCR should not have been previously published in other publications. Learn more about CCR's past issues here: https://anaphoraliterary.com/journals/ccr/ Email the completed submission to the Editor, Dr. Anna Faktorovich, at director@anaphoraliterary.com by the upcoming August 1 deadline.

Cinematic Codes Review: ISSN 2473-3385 (print); ISSN 2473-3377 (online): now in its 9th year in print, CCR features works in all visual genres, especially those with moving pictures, be they music videos, feature films, documentaries, photography, or just about any other mode or genre of art that does not fall into the realm of “literature,” which will be the primary object of Anaphora’s Pennsylvania Literary Journal. The other term in the name is “codes” and the intention here is to go beyond the simple summary or theme of the projects criticized in this journal’s pages to the codes and meanings that are hidden beyond the superficial. The third component of the journal is a dedication to reviewing and criticizing the arts, as opposed to applauding and viewing them. A great review should help artists to make better art by pointing out flaws. There is no such thing as perfect art, as all art is still in its infancy, and the last couple of centuries have seen great leaps in its evolution. There is a long road ahead for art, and it’s the critics’ job to take it in the right direction. Artists are not children that need to be congratulated on their mistakes. They should see profits in honest negativity, and the downfall of creativity in false flattery.



Anna Faktorovich