EVENT Mar 06
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Language and Art: How to motivate students through art discussions and projects. (Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA))

Organization: Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA)
Event: Northeast Modern Languages Association (NeMLA)
Categories: Pedagogy
Event Date: 2025-03-06 to 2025-03-09 Abstract Due: 2024-10-15

Art has been a means of visual expression used to convey a wide spectrum of tangible and intangible ideas. Art can take the audience into different times and into different worlds. Language learning through art can assist and motivate learners. The visual forms can assist the learner to comprehend and understand more deeply cultural, historical, and social topics as well. It can also be used to introduce different levels of vocabulary, literature, historical events, and culture to learners of a second language.
This panel seeks to present practical processes, projects, and tools using art as a means of instruction which are developed to expand learners’ knowledge of culture and language.
Proposals can include art as basic ideas, geometric forms, numbers, clothing furniture; but also, projects, discussions, tools, and selected activities to motivate and stimulate learners’ skills. Papers could also range between classic to modern, and contemporary periods with the inclusion of technology tools and media instruments as well.

The presentation is NOT limited to Italian.
Please submit a 200-300 word abstract and a brief bio (50-100 words) by October 15, 2023 at the NeMLA sessions website:
Direct inquiries to Anna Iacovella (anna.iacovella@yale.edu).. Direct inquiries to Anna Iacovella (anna.iacovella@yale.edu).


Anna Iacovella