EVENT Nov 15
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Mirrors and Magnifications: Eudora Welty and Shifting Perspectives (SAMLA)

Jacksonville, FL
Organization: Eudora Welty Society
Event: SAMLA
Categories: Literary Theory, Women's Studies, 20th & 21st Century
Event Date: 2024-11-15 to 2024-11-17 Abstract Due: 2024-08-11

The Eudora Welty Society seeks submissions for its 2024 SAMLA panel, “Mirrors and Magnifications: Eudora Welty and Shifting Perspectives.” In alignment with this year’s SAMLA theme, Seen and Unseen, the panel aims to investigate the methods that Welty uses to mirror, frame, magnify, and even distort the vision of her characters and/or readers. Welty’s work displays a creative use of varying avenues of sight with material, political, and epistemological consequences—some examples from her fiction may be the dimmed lamp that contributes to R.J. Bowman’s confusion in “Death of a Traveling Salesman” (1936), Loch’s telescope in The Golden Apples (1949), which magnifies the interior lives of his neighbors while narrowing his own field of vision, and the television that can be switched off to allow racist characters to ignore the realities of the civil rights era in “Where is the Voice Coming From?” (1963). Papers are welcome that discuss the effects of these changes in vantage point, broadly defined as literal visual augmentations or figurative changes in point of view, in Welty’s fiction, nonfiction, and photography. Please submit abstracts of 200-300 words to via the Ballast link by August 11, 2024.


Graduate and interdisciplinary research is welcome. 



Kaitlyn Smith