EVENT Feb 12
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Spectacles of Nationhood: World's Fairs and Italian Identity Formation (College Art Association (CAA) )

New York City
Organization: College Art Association (CAA)
Event: College Art Association (CAA)
Categories: Miscellaneous
Event Date: 2025-02-12 to 2025-02-15 Abstract Due: 2024-08-29

Throughout history, World’s Fairs have functioned as pivotal platforms for nations to showcase their cultural achievements, technological advancements, and ideological frameworks. This panel delves into the intricate dynamics between these expansive events and the process of nation-building in Italy. Situated at the crossroads between monumentality and modernity, World’s Fairs have provided Italy with a platform to (re)shape and assert its political and cultural identity following the unification in 1861, while fostering international relations and galvanizing Italian diasporic communities. Italy’s participation has often aimed to juxtapose its storied Renaissance and classical heritage with contemporary achievements and economic prowess, pursuing a complex negotiation between historical legacy and modernist trends. In turn, domestic socio-cultural shifts and international political turmoil paralleling specific expositions shaped the planning of Italian pavilions and the thematic exhibits.

Central inquiries of this panel encompass Italy’s strategic utilization of art, architecture, and exhibitionary practices, elucidating their contributions to shaping public perceptions and narratives surrounding its national character. Furthermore, this investigation explores the intricate entwinement of politics and art in cultivating and projecting national identity, illuminating the symbiotic relationship between socio-political agendas and aesthetic representations within the context of World’s Fairs.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • World’s Fairs and specialized expos (late 19th century- today).
  • Italian pavilions (planning, production, and reception)
  • Fine Arts exhibitions
  • Thematic exhibits (e.g., science and technology)
  • Italy as a host country
  • Interpretation of historical themes
  • Networks of exchange and encounters
  • Impact of gender, race, and class
  • World’s Fairs and fictions of colonialism
  • Imperialism and Aesthetic Practices
  • Cultural diplomacy and soft power
  • Contemporary relevance of world's fairs

Deadline for submission: August 29, 2024. Please submit your abstract through the CAA submission portal: https://caa.confex.com/caa/2025/webprogrampreliminary/Session14787.html

For questions about the panel, feel free to contact Lucia Colombari (lucia.colombari@ou.edu).



Lucia Colombari