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Al-K?miy? - Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation -Issue Number 26

Organization: Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon
Categories: French, Lingustics, Pedagogy, Cultural Studies
Event Date: 2025-01-15 Abstract Due: 2025-01-15

Al-K?miy? - Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT)

Call for Papers for Issue Number 26


The issue 26 of Al-K?miy?, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation of Saint Joseph University of Beirut will receive, under the sign of diversity, articles covering various fields of research in translation and in language. Proposals can deal with issues that currently concern research in translation studies and language sciences. The choice of themes is left to researchers who will thus reflect in their articles the diversity of approaches and perspectives paving the way to dismantle the barriers among the disciplines.

Submission Guidelines

Researchers wishing to submit their contribution are requested to send it to the following address: may.haddad@usj.edu.lb, before January 15, 2025.

Proposals for book reviews will also be received.

The editors will take care of the styling of the articles. However, authors are requested to respect the following formal instructions:


- Font: Times New Roman, Title: 14 points in bold (in capital letters). Name of the author: 10 points, name followed by the academic title and function. Abstract: 10 points. Text: 12 points with single spacing. Footnotes: 10 points. For Arabic texts: Simplified Arabic. Title: 16 points in bold. Name of the author: 12 points, name followed by the academic title and function. Abstract: 12 points. Text: 14 points with single spacing. Notes: 10 points.

- The keywords (3 to 5) are separated by a comma.

- Headings are marked in bold at the beginning of the paragraph.

- Short quotations (less than 3 lines) in the body of the text between inverted commas, long quotations indented in 10 points.

- The bibliographical references in the body of the text follow the norms: (Name of the author, date, page)

- Footnotes, numbered continuously, are reserved for substantial comments and additional information.

- References placed at the end of the article follows the APA style, 7th edition (https://apastyle.apa.org/).

- References must be romanized. The journal adopts the ALA-LC (American Library Association- Library of Congress) rules: https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html


Editorial Policy


Al-K?miy? only accepts original, unpublished articles in French, Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian and German, not submitted to another journal. Plagiarism results in an automatic rejection of the article.

All contributions are subject to an evaluation process:

1.     The authors send their text by email including:

o   The title of the contribution

o   The title in English

o   Two abstracts of the article: one in the language of the article and the other in English, 600 to 800 characters each

o   3 to 5 keywords in both languages of the abstracts

o   The text:

§  The article: 25000 to 35000 characters (with spaces)

§  The book review: 7000 to 10000 characters (with spaces) 

o   Biobibliographic note of the author (500 to 800 characters)

2.     The article is first examined by the editor-in-chief and then submitted to a double-blind peer review by two experts of the reading committee.

3.     The experts complete and sign a form giving their opinions and recommendations.

4.     Authors are notified of the results of the evaluation within 6 weeks and can make the requested changes within 20 to 30 days.

5.     The manuscript is reviewed by the editorial committee and possibly by a third expert.

6.     The final decision taken by the editorial committee is transmitted to the author.

7.     Once the article is accepted, the author(s) will sign a declaration of originality before the publication.


The members of the reading committee are clearly listed on each issue published.


Journal Presentation 
“Al-K?miy?” is the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut. 

Founded in 2001-2002 under this name from the annals of the Institut de langues et de traduction (ILT), Al-K?m?ya publishes mainly research papers in the fields of translation, interpretation and languages particularly, translation, terminology, history of translation, intercultural communication, translation teaching, language teaching and language sciences.

It is a biannual, multilingual journal receiving original articles in French, Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian and German. The choice of themes is left to researchers who will thus reflect in their articles the diversity of approaches and perspectives paving the way to dismantle the barriers among the disciplines. Each issue also includes a section of reviews of recent books published in the fields covered by the journal. Issues may occasionally focus on a specific topic in a thematic section.
Al-K?m?ya is a space for reflection giving the floor to researchers, instructors, PhD students and professionals in translation and language.

ISSN: 2410-3128

Online:  https://journals.usj.edu.lb/al-kimiya

Editor in Chief: May Hobeika Haddad

Scientific Committee

· Gina Abou Fadel Saad (FdLT- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)

· Christian Balliu (ISTI- Coormans - Université Libre de Bruxelles-Belgique)

· Bert Barry (Saint Louis University- États-Unis)

· Nicolas Frœliger (Université Paris Diderot-Paris7-France)

· May Hobeika Haddad (FdLT- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)

· Marianne Lederer (ESIT- Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris3-Professeur émérite-France)

· Hannelore Lee-Jahnke (Ex directrice de l’ETI, FTI- Université de Genève-Suisse)

· Enrico Monti (Université de Haute Alsace- France)

· Julio Murillo (Universitat  Autònoma de Barcelona -Espagne)

· Nadine Riachi Haddad (FdLT- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)

· Stéphanie Schwerter (Université Polytechnique- Hauts-de-France- France)

· Jean Soubrier (Université Lumière Lyon 2- Professeur émérite-France)










May Haddad