#23.ART - International Meeting of Art and Technology and the EmMeio#16 Exhibition
Organization: Polytechnic Institute of Porto
#23.ART - International Meeting of Art and Technology and the EmMeio#16 Exhibition in Portugal are events organised by the Technical and Scientific Unit of Visual Arts and Artistic Technologies of the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, extending events previously held in Brazil by the Postgraduate Programme in Visual Artsof the University of Brasília (UnB), in partnership with the National Museum of the Republic, Brasília, DF.
The #23.ART meeting will be held from 5 to 7 December, featuring in-person and remote lectures and presentations, as well as the EmMeio#16 exhibition, which will take place inperson at the Elevator Gallery, School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Porto. ESMAD and ESMAE will collaborate in organising the event, which will be hosted by InED, the Research Centre in Education (InED, ESE, IPP) in partnership with ID+ (Research Instituto in Design Media and Culture).
The 23rd International Meeting ofArt and Technology and the EmMeio#16 Exhibition are significant events in thefields of art, science, technology, and innovation in Brazil and abroad. Theyare among the oldest academic events in Brazil, involving laboratory researchfrom various Brazilian universities, and this will be the fourth edition inPortugal. #23.ART and EmMeio#16 provide a conducive environment for theintersection of various disciplines, including science, technology, and art,and the exploration of new knowledge frontiers. These events promoteinterdisciplinary integration, bringing together researchers, artists,scientists, technologists, and innovators from various fields. Thisinterdisciplinarity fosters collaboration and dialogue between knowledgedomains that typically operate independently, resulting in new perspectives andapproaches to artistic and technological issues.
In the 2024 edition, considering the various terms coined to describe the complexity of contemporary crises,such as the Anthropocene (Crutzen, Stoermer), Cthulhucene (Haraway),Capitalocene (Moore), Pyrocene (Steven Pyne), and Plantationocene (Tsing), it becomes evident that we are facing a scenario of comprehensive crises,including social, political, economic, humanitarian, and, above all, climatic dimensions. Given this multifaceted panorama, the possibility of proposing the term 'EcoTecnoCeno' as an artistic approach arises for the 23rd International Meeting of Art and Technology and the EmMeio#16 Exhibition.
EcoTecnoCene is a term that could be seen as hopeful concerning the aforementioned concepts, which often refer to negative human impacts on Earth and natural communities. This term would suggest an era or period in which humanity is in harmony with nature, adopting practices such as artistic ones, and systems that promote the health of the planet and natural communities rather than harming them.
EcoTecnoCene could be interpreted as an era or period in which humanity seeks ecological technological solutions to address environmental and social challenges through artistic poetics.
main topics:
Anthropocene and environment
Computational art
Art and artificial intelligence
Art Education
Participatory Art
Art, technology and ecology
Art, technology and society
Cinema / Photography
Design, art and technology
Ecocentrism, nature and art
Artistic Mediation
Cultural Heritage
Technology and gender issues
Engaged art theory and aesthetics
Theory and processes of eco-techno poetic
Video art
Visual music
Important Dates
Abstract submission(paper/artworks/artist talks/workshops): October 10th, 2024
Authors' Notification: October 21st,2024
Early Registration: until November 4th, 2024
Late Registration (deadline for presenters): November 29th 2024
Final Paper Submission: January 15th,2025
Conference and Exhibition: December 5th to 7th, 2024
Maria Manuela Lopes