EVENT Jul 07
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Call for Papers: The International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) (IEEE SERVICES Congress Conferences)

Organization: IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society
Event: IEEE SERVICES Congress Conferences
Categories: Science, Engineering
Event Date: 2025-07-07 to 2025-07-12 Abstract Due: 2025-02-24

 Call for Papers
The International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) has been a prime international forum for both researchers and industry practitioners to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Web-based services, to identify emerging research topics, and to define the future of Web-based services. Areas include services modeling, development, publishing, discovery, recommendation, composition, testing, adaptation, and delivery, and Web services applications and standards.

All topics relevant to Internet/Web based services are of interest. ICWS will organize refereed paper reviews in 9 research areas (themes):

Service Oriented Systems

?      Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

?      Service specification and modeling

?      Service evolution

?      Service Oriented Software Engineering methodologies

?      Formal methods in services

?      Micro-service and service mesh

?      Software engineering for adaptive service-oriented systems

?      Secure service lifecycle development

?      Service ecosystems

Services Discovery, Composition and Recommendation

?      Service publishing and searching

?      Automatic service composition

?      Scientific workflows

?      Business process integration and management

?      Service coordination and cooperation

?      Service-based data integration

?      Data-driven service composition

?      Knowledge-driven service composition

?      Service orchestration and choreography for the future Internet

?      Service recommendation


Services QoS Management

?      Quality-of-Service (QoS) modeling and management

?      Service QoS evaluation and prediction

?      Autonomic services

?      Web services testing

?      Performance aspects of cloud and service virtualization

?      Service level agreements


Services Security, Privacy and Trust

?      Service security

?      Privacy and trust

?      Dependable and secure services

?      Service auditing

?      Service policy control

?      Service regulation and governance


Service Applications beyond the Web

?      Web Services for the Internet of Things (IoT)

?      Services in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

?      Social networks and services

?      Cloud services

?      Edge services

?      Mobile web services

?      Satellite service computing

?      Communication services

?      XaaS (everything as a service)

?      Service-based processing and querying

?      Service-based recommendation and prediction

?      Crowdsourcing Services, Conversational Services

?      Metaverse/VR/AR services

?      Services for Artificial Intelligence

?      (Smart) Cybersecurity services

?      Other applications



AI in Web Services

?      Generative AI in Services

?      Generative AI as a Service (GaaS)

?      Generative AI for API Creation, Integration, testing, and Personalization

?      Security and Privacy in Generative AI-Driven Systems

?      LLM and Multimodal Models enhanced service discovery, selection, composition

?      LLM-driven service recommendation: algorithms, models, and performance

?      AI for service customization and personalization

?      Machine/Deep learning powered service discovery

?      Process mining, anomaly detection, and data processing methods for service composition

?      Security and privacy in AI-enhanced service architectures

?      Service Reasoning with Generative AI Approaches

?      Reinforcement Learning and Transformer Models for Web Services

?      Innovative Applications of Generative AI in Web Services

?      Explainable AI in Web Services

?      Human-in-the-Loop AI Systems


Datasets & Benchmarking for Service Computing Community

?      Development and sharing of standard datasets

?      Establishment of reliable and meaningful benchmarks

?      Techniques for dataset creation, pre-processing, curation, and management in service computing

?      Novel methodologies for performance evaluation using established benchmarks


Web 3.0 and Decentralized Services

?      Web 3.0 services leveraging blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized architectures

?      Tustless service environments and decentralized applications (dApps)

?      Interoperability and integration challenges in Web 3.0 services

?      Service governance, policy enforcement, and legal implications in decentralized ecosystems

?      Novel service offerings and revenue models for the Web 3.0 landscape


Emerging Technologies for Advanced Service-Oriented Computing: Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications


?      AI enabled services 

?      Quantum Service Computing

?      Digital Twins

?      3D Printing/Additive Manufacturing Techniques

?      Blockchain

?      Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

?      Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

?      Low-Code / No-Code Solutions

?      Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

?      Green IT

?      5G Technology

?      Metaverse Services

?      Industry 4.0



Deng Zhao