EVENT Mar 01
Abstract days left 17
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Film Studies in Japan (FSiJ)

Nagoya City, Japan
Organization: Nanzan University
Categories: Film, TV, & Media
Event Date: 2025-03-01 to 2025-03-01 Abstract Due: 2025-01-31

The first annual Film Studies in Japan (FSiJ) conference will be held at Nanzan University (Nagoya City) on March 1st, 2025. The conference will be dividied in to two sections; academic presentations and students' short films. The event is free to join, and audience members can participate in person or online (although only the academic presentations will be available for online audience members).

Academic Presentations: Presentations will be held in panels of three and should not exceed 20 minutes in length. There will also be a 15 minute Q&A per panel. The focus of these presentations should be approaches to teaching Film Studies. 

Students' short films: A seperate room will be made available for students to introduce, screen and discuss short films they have made. Short films should not exceed 30 minutes in length.

Please make your submission to the following Google Form by January 31st. Responses will be made no later than February 7th: https://forms.gle/nqTR79tPnSdd6S8p7



Adam Miller