Shaping the Future: Interdisciplinary Explorations in Netherlandic Studies: ICNS 2025
Chapel Hill, North Carolina US
Organization: American Association for Netherlandic Studies
We invite submissions for an interdisciplinary conference exploring the intersections of language, literature, art history, history, sustainability, politics, music, urban planning, design, religion, climate change, and colonialism, with a particular focus on Dutch-speaking societies around the globe. With the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Surinamese independence in 2025, papers devoted to the Caribbean area are of special interest. We are also interested in contributions that span historical periods from the Middle Ages to the present day.
Submit your proposals to contribute to a deep exploration of how differing fields of study influence each other and collectively shape our future. We welcome innovative research and groundbreaking scholarship that map critical inflection points, movements, and transformations in these societies–past, present, and future.
Select papers may be included in a conference publication to follow. Graduate students are encouraged to participate. Four travel grants of €500 each will be awarded to graduate students who present a paper.
Ineke Huysman