EVENT Oct 01
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Crises Redux: Europe in a Global Context

Helsinki, Finland
Organization: University of Helsinki
Categories: Interdisciplinary, Popular Culture, Aesthetics, Anthropology/Sociology, Classical Studies, Cultural Studies, Environmental Studies, Film, TV, & Media, Food Studies, History, Philosophy
Event Date: 2025-10-01 to 2025-10-03 Abstract Due: 2025-03-31

Dear All,  

We are glad to share with you the Call for Papers for the upcoming conference, “Crises Redux: Europe in a Global Context”, hosted by the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie) at the University of Helsinki. 

The conference will take place from October 1–3, 2025, and will feature keynote addresses by Kiran Klaus Patel, Anika Seemann, and Jessica Whyte.

Please find the full details of the Call for Papers below. 



Call for Papers
Crises Redux: Europe in a Global Context
October 1–3, 2025
University of Helsinki, Finland

Keynote Speakers:  
Kiran Klaus Patel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Anika Seemann (University of Bergen, Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy)
Jessica Whyte (University of New South Wales)
Conference Overview 

Europe is in crisis. Global challenges—ranging from climate change to the erosion of the rules-based international order, as starkly reflected in the human suffering in Ukraine and Palestine—are deeply intertwined with internal challenges within the continent. Populist movements, which are gaining momentum across Europe, oppose immigration and question the foundational justifications of Europe's political institutions and values. These trends can no longer be dismissed as fleeting; instead, Europe must reassess and rethink the justifications on which the continent's political constitution and self-understanding rests.

But what is actually new in this crisis and what part of the current crisis can be seen as a repetition? Europe has historically been in a near-constant state of crisis. What specific historical developments have led to this moment, and does our understanding of the situation reflect reality or the perception of others?

The Crises Redux conference will be organized by the Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (EuroStorie) funded by the Research Council of Finland. The conference will focus on the same themes that EuroStorie has been working on for the last six years: a critical analysis of the narratives that serve as the building blocks of Europe and a reassessment of the idea of Europe in relation to migration and global history.

The Crises Redux conference will focus on the European narratives and explanatory models used to understand crises, exploring how these frameworks draw on the past and envision possible futures to illuminate the reality of the problems facing contemporary Europe and the means to solve them.

We will explore how Europe’s role in the great lines of the global political economy and in the redistribution of wealth after the Second World War has been explained and how this corresponds to reality. We will examine the process of European integration as a phenomenon that has shaped the continent's development over the last decades, but which now has to rethink its foundational structures and principles; Who does “Europe” represent, and against whom is it defining itself? Finally, the conference will reflect on the place of the European welfare state in a rapidly changing world. What visions of the past and aspirations for the future underpin this model? How do Europe’s collective experiences and its worldviews function within a shifting global order?

Call for Contributions 

We invite abstracts that address historical and conceptual approaches to European narratives. Submissions adopting an interdisciplinary perspective are particularly welcome, including contributions from fields such as law, history, philosophy, anthropology, cultural studies, and related disciplines. 

Submission Guidelines 

Please submit the following to eurostorie-events@helsinki.fi by March 31, 2025 
1) An abstract of no more than 300 words 
2) A short biographical note 

We look forward to your contributions and to engaging discussions on the narratives and crises of Europe in a global context. 

We will notify you of the outcome of the selection process by April 15th.

The conference is on site and refreshments will be offered. More information about the conference will be published on the EuroStorie website in the coming days. 

If you have any questions or need more information concerning the conference, please do not hesitate to contact us: eurostorie-events@helsinki.fi.

Kind Regards, 
EuroStorie Team

The Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity and the European Narratives (www.eurostorie.org)
Unioninkatu 33, room 217
P.O. Box 42, 00014, University of Helsinki
+358 50 5932006, +358 294122808



Benjamin Byholm