Interdisciplinary Research, Digital Humanities, Text Analysis


Cultural Studies and Media Studies / Comparative Literature

Maryann P. DiEdwardo (University of Maryland Global Campus)

The main goal of this session is writing in response to a series of challenging, exciting non-fiction and multicultural short stories and novels. Though a great deal of our attention will be on the novels as works of literature, we will also incorporate ideas from numerous subjects that are not specifically literary, including sociology, anthropology, history, and economics. As an introduction to debates on fiction works, we may help you prepare to write wherever you go; strong writing skills will help you professionally to serve as a leader in the Humanities. Topics include Multiculturalism Gibran, Rumi, Adichie, O’Conner, Achebe, Hurston, Archetypes, The Hero Journey, argument about a theme based on critical reading and discussions, digital humanities resources and interdisciplinary studies. Example of a research based MLA style essay is based on analysis of No One Is Coming to Save Us, a revelatory debut from an insightful voice; with echoes of The Great Gatsby it is an arresting and powerful novel about an extended African American family and their colliding visions of the American Dream. In evocative prose, Stephanie Powell Watts has crafted a full and stunning portrait that combines a universally resonant story with an intimate glimpse into the hearts of one family.

An advocacy project is a two part assignment with two activities: The first part includes a coffeehouse presentation of a YouTube video of interest, art related website, or other idea such as a Ted Talk. Critical reading based on digital resources such as additional web study of blogs will aid studies.

Humanities driven scholarship invites writing on literature, education, architecture, geopolitics, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, history, economics and narrative medicine. In 2004, results of Maryann P. DiEdwardo’s case study research suggested that the integration of music in the college classroom improved students’ grades and abilities to compose thesis statements for research papers in courses that emphasize reading and writing skills. In her initial study, Dr. DiEdwardo refined Howard Gardner’s 1993 definition of music as a separate intellectual competence.

Film Credit (Author of memoir titled The Legacy of Katharine Hepburn; interviewed by Bertrand Tessier for documentary). The French director Bertrand Tessier creates a series of 52 minutes documentaries about mythical couples in Hollywood for French television OCS, a channel dedicated to Hollywood movies. One of the documentaries is about Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn. My book on Katherine Hepburn is a reference. I also have a film credit for my interview with Bertrand about my book, The Legacy of Katharine Hepburn: Fine Art as a Way of Life. It was written in 2004. Her purpose was to revisit an old thesis, the potential historiography of Katharine Hepburn, for educational purposes. She updated the research to include the possibility of a new historiography based on the growing legacy of the famous Katharine Hepburn. Maryann DiEdwardo suggests that: “... the legacy has just begun to change our cultural views of women and education. I produce activities and goals for educators and families to use the legacy of this special actress for improvement of lives” (DiEdwardo, Maryann Pasda, page 79). Her book was published in 2005 and recounts her studies from 1978 to 2005.

Recent Publications

Dr. Maryann P. DiEdwardo, 2021 “Teaching Radiantly”. Services for Science and Education Lt, Published in the United Kingdom.

2021, Published in the United States, Amazon Kindle, 202. Ebook and Hard Copy: DiEdwardo, Maryann P. Reading Radiantly, Writing Responsibly

DiEdwardo, Maryann P. Tales of Teaching During a Pandemic. Amazon KindleEbooks and Hard Copy 2021

Research Interests include Pairing Music and Linguistic Intelligences, Literacy, Metacognition, Pedagogy, Social Justice, Student Directed Learning, Stage History, Poetics, American Women Writers, African American Literature, Poetry, Drama, Health Writing, and Writing as Therapy.

Maryann Pasda DiEdwardo Ed.D. Artist, Author, Humanitarian
The Fourth R: Hispanic American Literary History:

DiEdwardo, Maryann. The Fourth “R” A Book to Promote the Journey through Hispanic American Literary History to Develop Language Skills. Bloomington, Indiana: Authorhouse, 2008. Review: “Dr. DiEdwardo’s book is a ‘must have’ for all educators, especially for those who teach students of other languages. The book is simple, and its components are easy to follow. What I find particularly compelling about this book is the idea to use authors from the students’ home country to enhance self-esteem and pride, in addition to creating individual voices. ” Toni Velleca, ESOL

Works Cited

DiEdwardo, Maryann. Teaching Radiantly.Ebook. 2021. 2021.

DiEdwardo, Maryann. “Case Study Research, Critical Learning to Enhance Maximum.

Retention through Original Videos.” Scholink, 2021.

Conferences Chapter Publication. 2020. “Final admission confirmation of the chapter - Human Rights CongressSeville, Spain

We confirm that your chapter will be part of the Dykinson digital volume, having finally been approved after review.” II International Conference on Human Rights and Globalization. Ihttps://www.onlineconferencesevilla.comII International Conference on Human Rights and Globalization. Your article was one of the works I selected due to its relevance and, of course, your professional-academic journey, Published as a chapter in the book about the conference (Email 2020)

_____________________(2020). “Hermeneutics and Metacognition.” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(7), 12-16.

Vol 7 No 7 (2020): Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal


_____________________Hermeneutics, Metacognition, and Writing.Spain: Vernon Press, 2020. Publications ]

'Hermeneutics, Metacognition, and Writing' investigates the social functionality of actions as an essential criterion of study. It focuses on hermeneutics: interpretation through the lens of philosophy of metacognition.

Vital contributions to the book include several chapters by Dr. Maryann P. DiEdwardo herself, which explore various facets of the central topic, including the intersectionality of hermeneutics, metacognition, and semiotics, as well as social movements.

This collection of critiques and case studies examines the imagined cultural landscape of specific works and associated activities such as fine art, music, poetry, and digital humanities, which aim to initiate self-monitoring as metacognition, or meta-reflection, by creating interior interpersonal space to overcome adversity. This edited volume will be of particular interest to scholars and students of textual hermeneutics as it relates to prose writing and artistic works in non-verbal media.

ISBN: 9781622738229


____________________“Implementing Learning Strategies Based on Metacognition.” Journal of Modern Education Review. Volume 7, Number 6, June 2017. New York: Academic Start, 2017. Pages 380 – 388.

DiEdwardo, Maryann P. Spatializing Social Justice: Literary Critiques Maryland: Hamilton Publishing, 2019. DiEdwardo, Maryann P. The Significance of the Writing of Thomas Merton, Cultivating Peace. Philadelphia: FastPencil, 2018. The Significance of the Writing of Thomas Merton, Cultivating Peace

The Significance of the Writing of Thomas Merton, Cultivating Peace

DiEdwardo, Maryann. Transcending Domestic Abuse through the Study and Practice of Writing. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2017.

Diedwardo, Maryann. Editor and Contributor. American Women Writers, poetics and the nature of gender study. England: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016.

Sebastian K. Boeil and Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic. “A Hermeneutic Approach for Conducting Literature Reviews and Literature Searches” Communications of the Association for Information Systems. Volume 34. Article 12. Pp. 57-286. January 2014. Maryann

A. Ghasemi, M. Taghinejad, A. Kabriri and M. Imani. :Ricoeur’s “Theory of Interpretation: A Method for Understanding Text (Course Text)”. World Applied Science Journal 15 (11): 1623-1629. IDOSI Publications, 2011.

J.H. Flavell. and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. American Psychologist, 34(10), 1987. 906 – 911.

J.H. Flavell. Speculation about the nature and development of metacognition. Chapter in F.E. Weinert and R.H. Kluwe (Eds.) Metacognition, Motivation, and Understanding. 1987. (pp. 21-22. Daniel Frey.” Preface”. Paul Ricoeur. Hermeneutics, Writings and Lectures,

Volume 2. Trans. David Pellauer. Massachusetts: Malden, 2016.

Kinney, Arthur F. “Cultural Poetics.” Ben Jonson Journal 2: 199-221. Jeff Malpas and Hans-Helmuth Gander, eds. The Routledge Companion to Hermeneutics. New York: Routledge, 2015.

Stoval, D. “Urban Poetics: Poetry, Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy in Education.” Urban Rev 38, 63-80 (2006).

Research for the Study of Ann Petry


Richman-Abdou, K. (2020, July 14). How African American Art and Culture Blossomed During the Harlem Renaissance. My Modern Met.

Griffin, Farah Jasmine. (2014, January-February). Harvard Magazine. “Ann Petry”.

Humanities driven scholarship invites writing on literature, education, architecture, geopolitics, gender studies, sociology, anthropology, history, economics and narrative medicine. The main goal of this session is writing in response to a series of challenging, exciting non-fiction and multicultural short stories and novels. Though a great deal of our attention will be on the novels as works of literature, we will also incorporate ideas from numerous subjects that are not specifically literary, including sociology, anthropology, history, and economics. As an introduction to debates on fiction works, we may help you prepare to write wherever you go; strong writing skills will help you professionally to serve as a leader in the Humanities.